10 definitions by Monkeyfuck McGrew

As your gal is lying on her back and you are hammering her from your knees. You very carefully move forward and prop yourself (without using your arms) on your dick while it is still inserted in her vagina. You then proceed to flap your arms and let out a long shrieking howl much like a flying camel. Strictly a class move.
"My girl had to go to the girlie doctor today, I think I injured her last night doing the Flying Camel. Ouch!"
by Monkeyfuck McGrew January 13, 2005
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To do something so inherently stupid, yet your friends choose not to alienate you from the group and resort to summing up the scenario with this comment.
"He bought the truck, then two days later ran it into a light pole and totalled it when he was drunk."

"Fuckin' Grimace!"
by Monkeyfuck McGrew December 8, 2004
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