703 definitions by Monkey's Dad

A work of art so enslaved to the reality of its source that it elicits no response.
The sculptor had worked very hard to do this. His sculpture was exactly life-sized, colored and textured to precisely replicate the thing it was imitating, and, standing in the gallery, it looked like a living, breathing security guard. Except that it was not breathing, nor was it living, nor did anyone recognize it as a work of art. Or feel anything about it. Or pay it any mind. An example of craft for craft's sake, it had achieved a state of verisimehlitude.
by Monkey's Dad June 22, 2021
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A peaceful protest which is infiltrated and manipulated by opposing forces, to demonize the original gathering by instigating violence.
The BLM protest was civil and calm. Suddenly an outsider appeared, threw a rock at police, a fire was set, the cops sprayed tear gas and in minutes it became a demon-stration.
by Monkey's Dad September 5, 2020
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The futile urge to recall the "toll-free" number - is there another kind anymore? - which the announcers manning the membership drive on Public Radio have repeated several dozen times in the past few seconds and which, as a result, refuses to be recalled.
Let's see... 888... something something... why do I have such low remembership drive for that number, even though it is toll-free?
by Monkey's Dad September 11, 2019
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During a time of austerity and scarcity, the fond recalling of foods you once loved.
Having eaten meagerly for weeks, he tried to conjure the smell of retrotisserie, shared meals from the recent past, now a comforting and beautiful dream.
by Monkey's Dad March 28, 2020
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Day one: Bring her coffee in bed, in a personalized pink mug. She will think you show potential.
Day two: C'mon man, we gave you day one. The rest is up to you.
He knew it was one of those "If you need to ask" things. But still, being clueless, he entered "How To Be Nice" and held his breath.
by Monkey's Dad November 30, 2022
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Perfect in every way, no foolin'.
Describing her wrydyllic Hollywood upbringing, with her famously absent, movie-star father, her alcoholic mother's three-day orgies that allowed her no place to hide, her joyous hitch-hiking escape up the coast to Haight-Ashbury at 14, she kept a straight face and slight smile, the better to confound her interviewer.
by Monkey's Dad March 6, 2020
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An unproven, minimally-tested 'cure' for COVID-19 virus.
Touted by extreme fringe-dwelling figures, and by an American President who knows nothing more than what "people are saying", hydroxychloroquine may or may not have medicinal properties where coronavirus is present. It has, however, been shown to be lethal when taken as directed.
by Monkey's Dad April 10, 2020
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