703 definitions by Monkey's Dad

The era when a phone call may be your only means of connecting with a loved one.

... with a hat tip to Colombian Nobel-prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez for his 1985 novel Love In the Time of Cholera.
She wondered how long it would be until they could touch each other, see each other, breathe the same air. But he could call, she could hear his voice, and that was love in the time of callera.
by Monkey's Dad March 18, 2020
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With hospitals, emergency rooms and ambulances over-taxed with COVID-19 patients, the strip-mall medical facility where you seek care for almost anything.
Having every symptom of massive heart failure, he managed to drive to the crawl-in clinic, a place he'd normally go for a cut finger. In the pandemic, it was his only option.
by Monkey's Dad April 26, 2020
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Donald Trump's transparent efforts to ignite race war as a path toward his re-election.
Trump's inaugural fabrication of 'American Carnage' had spiraled down into a tragic American Carnageval, exciting fear in the minds of his fans that 'Black Lives Matter' was a 'hate symbol' and that swastikas were flown by 'very fine people'.
by Monkey's Dad July 5, 2020
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A professional, on stage in a comedy club, who suddenly understands there is no humor in our predicament, nowhere he can take us that is any more absurd than the facts, and walks off.
Oh, he had material ... Mexico building a wall to keep Americans out... Ivanka's first act as president, pardoning her imprisoned daddy, children dying so the school cafeteria staff could return to work... but he saw that we had fallen beyond the reach of laughter. He was finished, a stand down comedian, and others would silently follow.
by Monkey's Dad July 15, 2020
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Nickname for any woman who believes only one thing - that whatever she hears from a reputable source is Fake News.
People dying from Covid, the necessity of getting vaccinated, Trump's actual and legitimate loss, the storming of the Capitol, they were all Fake News. She was another Fay Knudsen, believing only that Trump's August reinstatement was coming, Rush would rise from the grave, Hillary would be sent to prison and the world would be real again.
by Monkey's Dad August 11, 2021
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Every American child in the coronaviral moment.
With his stay-at-home Mom and his stay-at-home Dad, he was now a stay-at-home kid. Watching cartoons and playing video games, he was unsure as to why they both seemed so anxious. That was only for a while. Wasn't it?
by Monkey's Dad March 17, 2020
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The quality in a work of art so enslaved to the reality of its source that it elicits no response.
The sculptor had worked very hard to do this. His sculpture was exactly life-sized, colored and textured to precisely replicate the thing it was imitating, and, standing in the gallery, it looked like a living, breathing security guard. Except that it was not breathing, nor was it living, nor did anyone recognize it as a work of art. Or feel anything about it. Or pay it any mind. An example of craft for craft's sake, it had achieved a state of verisimehlitude.
by Monkey's Dad June 22, 2021
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