54 definitions by Molly

A term used to give props to the big guy. Expressed usually when commenting on something of intrest or liking.
Hey man did u check out the totally cool audi?
Yeah dude it was totally shizzle to the nizzle!
by Molly January 1, 2004
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A writer, a true person, a book berd, listens to great music, loves Harry Potter, has a hot boyfriend, great style without trying, everyone's friend, beautiful girl, amazing girl, awesome girl, resides in a small town, lovable, all around magnificent.
Man that girl is really a Delaney.
by Molly June 18, 2006
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another name for the head games that a man or a woman plays with one another in a relationship.
I wish Jim would grow up and stop playing reindeer games with the women he dates.
by Molly October 15, 2004
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a goalie in hockey who lets in a lot of goals.
"I'm not drafting that horrible goalie, he's a siv!"

"Dude, that goalie let in 8 goals in one period! He's such a siv!"
by Molly December 26, 2005
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1.) to get screwed over, jipped
2.) to get ripped off
3.) to lose
Oh man, you got nigged!!
by Molly January 4, 2004
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Literally means Fat Upper Pussy Area. You know you've all seen those ladys who arent fat any where else but right under there gut- and it's falling over their pussy!
Look at that skank with the huge fupa, it's falling over her shoes!
by Molly February 12, 2005
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1. A knit hat.
2. A sled. This definition sometimes used as a verb, e.g. 'tobogganning'.
1. "Put on your toboggan, it's cold out!"
2. "Yay, it snowed! Now we can go tobogganning!"
by Molly December 21, 2004
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