71 definitions by Moggraider

To be screwed out of arriving somewhere on time by inclement weather. Applies especially to planes.
Ackpth! I'm weatherfucked! I'll miss my connecting flight.
by Moggraider October 16, 2009
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Instant and sudden removal of a facebook friend from your news feed due to a dumb, irrelevant, inane, or otherwise objectionable status update.
Facebook friend on news feed's status update: "Is CONEY ISLAND stylin!!! Gonna be 105 degrees 2day, def on that Q train to the beach!!! happy bday shoutout to my dude Quichua!!!"

Facebook user: "Ugh. That's a feedkill."
by Moggraider July 24, 2010
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v., tr.

1. unsubscribing from someone's Twitter feed

2. a declarative statement that you are unsubscribing

3. a declarative statement that you are leaving a group or friend
Ex. 1: "I'm unfollowing Steve after all that pro-Apple spam."

Ex.2: "I'm tired of hearing all the details of Amy's day. Unfollow."

Ex. 3: "You're going to THAT bar? Unfollow."
by Moggraider June 8, 2009
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"The cows have been owned."

cow - slang term for PS2 fanboy on Gamespot forums.
by Moggraider September 1, 2004
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The male-gendered equivalent of "bitchy." Pronounced "testy."
I'm outta here; Robert's pulling up to the house. That guy is so teste.
by Moggraider August 2, 2009
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I started reading "The Penis Thread" on this message board I visit but pretty quickly decided it was just TMGDI and said so.
by Moggraider November 25, 2005
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I disagree that a photo of a woman's back with a knife in her neck is NSFW.

I think it's at best NSFOPW.
by Moggraider February 3, 2010
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