46 definitions by MoJo

the (hopefully) small piece of flesh that is bunched below the ass and above the legs when an out-of-shape female wears shorts two sizes too tight
Lori wore the zebra-striped hot pants again and I saw her lower butt while spotting her on chin-ups.
by MoJo February 15, 2005
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Glass tube which emits light when an electric current is run through it.
That is one NICE lightbulb.
by MoJo April 19, 2003
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euphamism for the rear end of an attractive young female
girl got a fine-ass muffin back there
by MoJo February 15, 2005
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A relationship with a significant other that has gone sour and both parties are too scared and/or lazy to call it quits.
I'm stuck in a crappy relationshit with Jenny.
by MoJo March 1, 2005
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A highly effective move in basketball performed by a good-looking white boy from Long Island or the Midwest.
You better dial back the smack, homeslice, or I'm gonna have to Szczerbiak your ass.
by MoJo February 15, 2005
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to be obsessed with earning a bob or two to the extent that your life suffers.
He's a right scrat. He's done 30 hours overtime this month.
by MoJo April 7, 2004
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