15 definitions by Mitchell man

eSlap is an online bitch slap. Normally from someone correcting an email you sent out and sending it to everyone in their address book to make you look bad.
Tim: Hey everyone don't go to XYZ restaurant because I heard they are stealing credit card information.

Jim: Dear Everyone,I saw this on SNOPES and this isn't true. Tim,you need to get your facts straight before sending us emails.

Tim: Damn, I feel like I just got eSlapped. I was just trying to do everyone a favor.
by Mitchell man February 6, 2009
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Shirtain is when your wife hangs up all the wet shirts from the washer to air dry on a overhead door ledge.
Dammit !!! Every time i walk through the shirtain half of the shirts fall off and i need to pick them up. I wish she would just get a clothes line outside.
by Mitchell man August 6, 2012
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When you have to poop so bad you pull off from the highway to shit.
The other day I was going to explode so I did a Jared Poop. Luckily no one drove by when I did it.
by Mitchell man February 28, 2008
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balls to drop is a term for lack of courage. A reward for an act of courage your "balls could drop". Turning you from a boy to a man.
Steve: I am not going to jump off the diving board. I don't even know how to swim.

Ryan: Come on man, get those balls to drop.

Steve (jumps and swims): that wasn't too bad, I did fine.

Ryan: Congratulations, I think at 45 years old, your balls have officially dropped. Your voices sounds deeper too.
by Mitchell man September 3, 2010
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When you really have to shit and you sit on the toilet for an hour grunting and pushing but can't shit. Finally you squeeze out a small rock turd and thats all you do.
anus strange-hold
Aaron: Sorry to keep you waiting. I have had a major anus strangle-hold today.
by Mitchell man July 11, 2008
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When you spend the day shitting on the edge of the boat because you drank too much beer the night before.
fish'n shits
Jared: Wow!!! that's my 10th keeper bass today. Tim, how many have you caught?
Tim: I caught me a bad case of fish'n shits. I can't even get to my pole. Hey!! hand me a cigarette!
by Mitchell man July 11, 2008
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pitch-in pride perker is a person who "sacrifices" themselves at pitch-in dinners. At a pitch-in dinner someone always brings in something that looks or sounds terrible, they are the ones who take a slice so the person who brought it doesn't know that their food is gross.
Johnny - " What the Hell is that pile of crap over on that platter?"

Alan - " That is my grandma's "Pig intestines stuffed with gopher milk. I am taking a slice just so Granny doesn't start crying. I won't eat it, just remove it from the platter and throw it away.

Johnny- Man you are one "pitch-in pride perker", I wish I could be more like you.
by Mitchell man November 4, 2009
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