10 definitions by MissCaliBrownie

girl: Ugh! How come every time the economy sucks, the stupid-ass corporations get bailed out? It's not fair!!

boy: Those corporate whoremongers over there at Washington must serve their masters and fuck the people.
by MissCaliBrownie April 9, 2010
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Victoria's Secret is a popular retail store where women can buy all types of sexy underwear, bras, and other kinds of lingerie. Often overpriced, Victoria's Secret products are of high quality. Victoria's Secret Pink, an offshoot of the main company, is known for its cute and comfy clothes and underwear. Apparently, Victoria's Secret was started by a man- hence, Victoria's *Secret*.
Heidi: Hey let's go to the mall! I have a lot of money and I need new lingerie that's really pretty!
Miranda: Let's go to Victoria's Secret! They have the best stuff ever!!
by MissCaliBrownie April 10, 2010
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A person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. That's all one must do to become a Christian. Contrary to popular belief, most Christians are tolerant and realistic people. However, only the hypocritical ones get publicized, due to the media loathing anything relating to God and/or family values. Yes, many Christians go to church, but the most reasonable ones don't force it upon others. Christians enjoy personal relationships with Jesus and don't really belong in an "organized religion" as the media implies. Reasonable Christians get really mad when other Christians act hypocritical or rude to other people.
Christian: Hey, what's up? Let's hang out, or go to the movies sometime. Or go to the mall, whatever's good :)
Christian-hater: Dude, I'm glad I met you. You're such a great friend; you don't seem to hate anyone and you're always up for fun, although not so much drugs and sex. I'm just glad you're not a Christian. Those frickin homophobes are everything that's wrong with this country.
Christian: It's really too bad you feel that way. I guess you'll hate me once you find out I'm a Christian. Most of us aren't jerks, you know.
Christian-hater: Ohh crap. Well I feel like a jerk now... but you can't be a Christian. You're too sweet, and sarcastic.
Christian: You accuse of us being narrow-minded; you are too, to be honest. Let's just move on, and we'll both promise to be open-minded best friends, okay?
Christian-hater: Okay, I'll try.
*they hug, then go to the movies and have fun*
by MissCaliBrownie April 7, 2010
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