1 definition by Miss Awesone

The name Zenith has an ancient background dating back to the middle ages. It means rise or success. It is a unisexual name and though not very common, is used for females. A lady or girl named Zenith is usually calm and collected, often apathetic and sometimes downright creepy. They can have a staring contest with you for hours and crack a killer smile..watch out! They're known to be silent killers and are very stealthy. Though they appear heartless and cold, they just have problems socialising and can turn out to be the kindest person there is! They never smile unless necessary and are very blunt....they're totally unique and one of a kind.
Hey, you heard about that new Zenith girl in school?
Yeah! She's a total mystery , bro!
by Miss Awesone February 11, 2018
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