4 definitions by Miraj

To someone in a highly excited state whether or not they can grasp or comprehend an idea
Yo that car is crazy! Yee Dig?
That girl is hot as hell? Yee Dig?
Yee Dig?
by Miraj June 23, 2008
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a strong, independent, hardworking woman. Stands her ground and fights for her respect. Protects her kingdom and anybody that supports her through her journey. Earns everything that is given to her, does not stand bullshit or games.
by Miraj April 27, 2021
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A phrase said to show opposition. Usually said by people who are nicknamed "the gooch."
Does vinny get a lot of girls? NAH NAH
by Miraj July 11, 2008
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When a person is owned so badly that they are forced to stay quiet.
When someone is shut out in beer pong the losing team would be told to "sip the bitching"
by Miraj July 11, 2008
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