1 definition by Mimi0836

Dave is caring and loving, he will look out for you and be there for you whether you are happy or sad. His heart is so special the way he loves and the person he is inside, if you are lucky to be loved by Dave you feel extremely special like you are the luckiest girl on the planet. He is very smart too and knows about anything and everything and he secretly likes being a smarty pants! His eyes are the most warm eyes I've ever seen and his smile will melt anyone's heart. He is strong too even though he says he isn't. He's strong and can do anything he wants to do in life. He says he is shy, but if he talked to more people he would make friends with anyone he talked with because he is just so likeable and wonderful. He is a treasure and without people like him the world would be a sad place. He is in short the most funny, loving, interesting, handsome most adorable man you will ever meet. If you know him the sun shines upon you.
Mimi - "I'm going to the movies with Dave, see you later"
Every other person- "oh she is so lucky, I want a Dave in my life, he is so awesome. I wish I knew a Dave"
by Mimi0836 June 27, 2021
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