14 definitions by MikeSynonymous

The source of mansplaining, men over explain things because women use why questions to complain or moan about the way things are based on their observations and criticisms of their surroundings.
Wife: "Why are your underwear on the floor?"
Husband: "Stop whymoaning, either pick them up, or tell me to pick them up and I will! Unless you do of course want me to mansplain the sport of laundryball"
by MikeSynonymous March 11, 2021
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An interactivist is somebody who takes part in virtual activism on the internet, this is known as interactivism. Either through blogging or social media, petitions or hashtags, the spreading of ideas on the internet is becoming more and more effective.
I had Facebook apprehension so I signed an online petition through Facebook to get them to protect our privacy, and they changed their privacy policy! I'm an interactivist!
by MikeSynonymous October 6, 2010
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A society governed solely by the aggregated opinions of the majority via the internet using social media.
"Your Freedom" the new political social media service from the UK government is a step towards a twittocracy.
by MikeSynonymous July 3, 2010
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The Act of devising, testing, experimenting and proving a theory or theories to explain facts or phenomena of the observable universe. one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. The use of scientific methodology to acquire a greater understanding of reality and existence.
People who know and understand, through experimentation and observation, any scientific theories; evolution, gravity, the big bang, black holes, m-theory or density all practice theorism.
by MikeSynonymous October 5, 2010
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"To shut the stable door after the horse has bolted", an idiom as old as horsemanship. Now it has a one shorthand, Hashtag friendly word to define the entire concept due to David Cameron and Razor the police horse in the scandal referred to as Horsegate. The origins on Gate as a suffix are in the Watergate trials of Richard Nixon
Getting health insurance after your first paragliding accident is a bit horsegate.
by MikeSynonymous March 9, 2012
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The term that will probably come to define the latest decade, from 2010 to 2019. This is due to the word's already infamous cultural significance among geek kind, see eleventy . Another chance for the internet kind to overwhelm popular culture with our nonsensical whimsical ways.
Back in the Eighties , Nineties and the Noughties I was a nobody, now in the Eleventies I can become a somebody!
by MikeSynonymous January 30, 2010
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Another word for a pacifier, comforter or security blanket, but it can be used as a metaphor. Originating from the comic strip Peanuts, the character Linus is always holding his blanket for protection. His dependence has lead to this being a pop-culture reference to all such objects in relation to those who need them.

The term became a lot more popular after the term was used by Simon Pegg in an early episode of the hit TV sitcom Spaced.
"Does the convenience storekeeper really need that Baseball bat under the counter?"

"Not really, it's just a Linus Blanket, he'll never use it!"
by MikeSynonymous February 18, 2010
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