14 definitions by Mike G

1: A heavily armored tractor-driven machine usually having a broad blunt horizontal blade for moving earth, or bulldozer used for public disobedience (esp. vengeful, destructive rampages)
2: Unadulterated awesomeness
The Killdozer, created and piloted by Marvin, rampaged through the town of Granby Colorado on June 4th, 2004.
by Mike G June 5, 2004
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Noun: Any one of numerous wireless devices, which serves as a cellular telephone, small in size, with a characteristic cock roach shape, appended to one's ear.
Those people with ear roaches are pretending to be in a phone conversation with somebody but they are actually closet, borderline schizophrenics with self-esteem issues.
by Mike G January 27, 2007
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A Floyde Blake is a person that has no ability to PvP whatsoever and still owes an MRev guild dues.
Hey, look over there! That guy really sucks at PvP and still owes us money, he must be a Floyd Blake
by Mike G April 1, 2005
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A silly mexican with excellent guarding ability.
They should post defaygo's on the US side of the border to stop mexicans from coming over but that would defeat the purpose of trying to stop mexicans cause dafaygos are mexicans.
by Mike G March 30, 2005
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verb: to space. The act of forgetting or losing total concentration due to a lack of HRAM or drug induced semi-consciousness.
"Dude, I totally spaced. I couldn't tell you where I've been since you started talking."
by Mike G April 8, 2004
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It's When You Fuck A Bitch In the Ass
and Go A little too deep.
"Yo I was Playing Bum Darts With My Bitch and The Fuckin Ho' left me with Shit Dick"
by Mike G June 18, 2004
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1.The ART of being a complete jackass.
2.When a person acts as a Jackass jackass
Waht kind of jackassery is this?
Thats complete jackassery.
by Mike G January 11, 2005
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