50 definitions by Miguel

When Yao Ming dunks over, blocks, or somehow embarasses the opposing player.
"HAHAHA! Did you see that? Shaq was just blocked 3 times in a row by Yao. YAOWNED!"
by Miguel June 23, 2003
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vatos thats is hy wear dem loks
"dam theres to many gringos im gona make it dark by puttin on my loks
by Miguel December 20, 2003
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The best f'in band in the world - or at least new jersey.
I saw jade fire yesterday and they were so good i shat myself
by Miguel September 3, 2003
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A Really shitty pseudo-Asian, California-inspired Sushi restaurant that plays trendy non-Asian music during meals.
Dude, what are we doing tonight?
Hey Bra, let's do to RA!
by Miguel April 1, 2005
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cool;meaning real cool and awsome
your car is real gangstnacs
by Miguel March 18, 2005
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S.H.A.R.- Skin Heads Against Racism

Need I say more!
The Neo Nazis need to watch out for the SHARs
by Miguel April 1, 2004
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