3 definitions by Michael von Preußen

An icon depicting a beer can.
Person 1: Hey, you going to the kegger tonight?
Person 2: You know it! (B)
by Michael von Preußen August 16, 2009
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"erk" is the phonetic pronunciation of the abbreviation "IRC", which stands for Internet Relay Chat. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to chat over IRC.
John: Wanna chat on erk?
Sally: Sure!

John: Wanna erk?
Sally: mmk.
by Michael von Preußen October 21, 2011
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A sign used in instant messaging to display emotions of confusion, lack of caring, unsuredness, or ignorance, much like a shrug.
Person 1: "Where did you go?"
Person 2: "\O.o/"
by Michael von Preußen April 24, 2009
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