34 definitions by Mia

Acronym- Meaning Fat Ugly Bitch
In the true meaning--female who is obese, unattractive, and to top things off, has a very bad attitude/personality.
other derivatives can be used such as fubs(plural) and fubby.
To my freinds: "Did you see those fubs who live downstairs?"
Friend: "Yeah, I think they are sisters, both are pretty fubby though."
Me when I see the fub at the mailbox:"Hey, what's up fub?"
Actual Fub:"What did you say?"
Me:"Oh,just a silly term of endearment."
by Mia February 6, 2004
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Small city where i grew up, while boring it's much better than Elmira and the surrounding cities. There are things to do, you just have to lokk around a little bit.
located in southern NY
by Mia March 6, 2005
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as seen in Oprah's Chutzpa Awards...someone with extreme amounts of courage, pizazz, determination, creativity, etc.
by Mia March 7, 2005
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Grosse, EEW!!!,Disturbingly Gross
Kelly, that is Gross-A-Losse
by Mia November 7, 2003
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when extremely surprised for no reason...also can be used in sarcastic way...or its just like "woa" u cant explain.woah
woa...thats amazing...i dont kno how to do that...teach me!?
by Mia December 23, 2003
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One who does not participate in smoking, drinking alcohol, sex outside of marrige or drug use; in extreme cases, one who does not comsume caffiene.
That kid is so strait edge that he's never even had chocolate.
by Mia January 21, 2005
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1)Slang--pretty much defines any useless, sneaky, overconfident project manager that makes you work overtime
"Man, I got this new job and my boss is a total lumberg."
by Mia February 6, 2004
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