1 definition by Meyo

A guy who spits in his girlfriends face at the bar and then posts her sexual encounter with him on the internet. Meanwhile he's having sex with multiple married or unavailable women in order to boost his low self esteem. His father wasn't around so he has no clue how to be a real man. He uses women's credit to rent cars, take trips, to buy cell phones. He video tapes sexual encounters with these women as a means to blackmail them when they decline his requests. He doesn't have anything in his name because he's trying to run from paying child support. Basically he's homeless. He's always on social media portraying himself to be a pillar in the community with these dumb barbecues he has... probably with the use of someone's food stamps or cash. He's cheap, he's irratic, he's a loser, he's a coward. He's a waste of a human being.
Ron Crawford is such a low life scumbag womanizer.
by Meyo November 29, 2016
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