2 definitions by Mextazectaces-prophet

Triangulism is the belief that the ultimate omnipotent force is the Triangle. The Triangle consists of three components. Crayon, a physical manifestation of piety. Maths, the logistics in which substantial mathmatical evidence supports the thesis of the Triangles strength. Cool-air, the benevolent forces of forgiveness and comfort.

Triangulism rejects and denounces the notions of Circularism, which proposes the strength of the circle over the Triangle. Triangular scriptures say that the Circle was once a square. But, tired of subversion, the square rounded it's edges and corners and proposed an opposing kingdom to the Triangle.

Mathmatical evidence suggests that the Triangle is the strongest polygon, and no other polygon can exist without two or more triangles. Humans are viewed as Cones, both triangular and circular. Because of this, the Triangle is understanding of human frailties and imperfections and therefore doesn't condemn humanity. However, those who willingly take the side of the circle are condemned to the circular kingdom.

Peace is at hand. Rejoice, for the Triangle hath defeated the circle and it's ally, copper.

See also...
by Mextazectaces-prophet June 28, 2005
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According Triangular scriptures, the willful bretrayal of Triangulist principles. Circularists often refer to the Circle as a liberator from the tyranny of the Triangle. However, it is a lie. For he only wishes to subdue the circularist by giving him false hope that he is a liberator. The Circle only wishes to make all his followers servants to him under oppressive rule.

The triangle doesn't condemn. It sends all who wish to be with the Circle to the Circular kingdom. However, once there, they will be slaves for the Circle for all eternity. And they will have jagged copper rods shoved up their sphincter for the circle's amusement.
by Mextazectaces-prophet June 28, 2005
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