1 definition by MesoEirine27

Usually late teens to mid twenties. A name often used for an artistic individual who thinks, and sincerely cares about issues one wouldn't find in the mind of most adolescents. A rare breed.

Political junkies.
Bargain hunters.
All for organic (food, beauty and hygiene products, etc.)
A very thorough knowledge of independent music, but most enjoy a variety of genres.
Artistic and independent film buffs.
A deep love for all forms of art.
Most tend to be very witty, but this can come off as sarcastic and snobby.

In high school, Indie kids were/are a bit awkward, because they find it hard to communicate with those who don't have the same ideals. This doesn't mean that they won't talk to you. Conversation is well liked among the Indie, but their ever churning minds are rarely understood. This is where humor comes in, and Indie kids tend to be very clever individuals who can come up with a funny little quip almost instantly. A lot tend to pursue stand up comedy. Also, an Indie kid will talk your ear off, sew it back on, then talk some more if music comes in to the conversation.
Art is rooted deep within the heart of any Indie kid, and probably has been their entire life. Whether it be music, photography, writing, cinematography, painting, or any other art form that wasn't mentioned. Many become pretty successful artists later in life. The Green movement is also supported by almost all Indie kids. If art isn't their first passion, the earth is.

The Indie style:

It's not uncommon to see Indie kids haunting antique shops and thrift stores, for they love all things vintage. Earthy colors, buttons, plain t-shirts, torn fabric, knitted items, denim jeans, and comfortable shoes are all seen in the Indie style of both sexes. Vintage looking jewelry is also popular among females, but something handmade or of sentimental value is often preferred. Indie kids do care about their appearance, they just don't obsess over it.

The Difference between Indie and Emo:

Many have described these differences as a "war". This is not the case. If there's one thing an Indie hates, it's complete stupidity. Unrighteous self pity, and closed mindedness are all seen as stupid. Indie kids do like their style/music, but don't criticize other's for not liking it as well. They accept people of all colors, shapes, sizes, and styles. Though, once someone does show a decent amount of shallow emotion, an Indie kid will stop speaking instantly (this is bad.) There is no war, just a frustration with the traits that often come with the Emo style.

All in all, an Indie kid doesn't need much to be happy. Good friends, good music, good food, good conversation, and good laughs. True bliss. A simplicity that this world seems to lack.
Indie kid1:This is a good Harmony Korine film.

Indie kid2: Want to watch it?

Indie kid1: Sure, I'll go brew some tea.
by MesoEirine27 August 30, 2009
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