4 definitions by Mercifull

The shit you take after drinking a large amount of alcohol to try to wash some of the toxins out of your body.
Matt: Jeez last night was a bit heavy. I've got a massive headache.
Wookie: Yeah I still feel like shit I really need a beer poo.
by Mercifull March 4, 2005
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To get absolutely wasted from excessive amounts of alcohol.
Dude: Right its friday night and i'm off out to get rat assed tonight.
by Mercifull March 4, 2005
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To get absolutely wasted from excessive amounts of alcohol.
Dude: Right its friday night and i'm off out to get rat assed tonight.
by Mercifull March 4, 2005
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Common term used to describe a foolish person or a pleb
"Dude youre such a dusqi, lol"
by Mercifull January 11, 2004
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