118 definitions by Melissa

Short for hemmeroid.
"Paul, it hurts so bad to sit down, I think my hemi's acting up!"
by Melissa January 20, 2004
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What a 'Charl'
by Melissa September 2, 2003
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A super cranky woman (BITCH) wearing too much bling (jewelry)
Damn, look at that blitch! She needs to see Jared, her bling is tacky.
by Melissa January 6, 2004
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another word for cool, awesome, badass, ect.
that shits Teno man!

thats so teno dude!
by Melissa March 15, 2005
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A jet, taking you faraway. An exclamation when you wish you were somewhere else, can also be used as a verb.

'It was a long day with the parents and I was totally Lufthansa-ed.'
by Melissa September 4, 2003
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when a female gasses from her vaginal area
there was a loud farting noise as she landed on the bed...she realized it came from her vagina and that it really was a queef
by Melissa August 3, 2003
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I was determinated to get good grades.
by Melissa September 2, 2003
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