118 definitions by Melissa

Female that car hop and only wants you for your money.
Girl he ugly but look at that car and platium grill, I think I want to holla!
by Melissa September 15, 2003
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a public school boy. i.e. boat shoes, blazer and jeans look.
"oh my god hes such a choad", "hey chaodie"
by Melissa February 1, 2005
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When a man's jewels are so cold that they shrivel up into almost invisible peas.
"Hey man! I'm a freakin' shrivelnuts, this pool is WAY too cold to swim in!"
by Melissa January 28, 2004
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1- upper-most part of the human body that controls all bodily functions and contains the brain, at least in some specimens.
2- the process of sucking/licking either the male or the female genitalia until ejaculation/orgasm occurs.
3- term used to refer to the foam on top of beer that nobody really wants.
Martha really doesnt have her head on her shoulders.

Little Johnny made his girlfriend orgasm 5 times. That night she reciprocated by giving him head as well.

Damn, what's up with all the head. You gotta learn how to pour dawg.
by Melissa July 12, 2003
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When someone suffers from tanorexia, a disease like anorexia, no matter how tan you are you never think you are tan enough.
L: Melissa, sweetie, I think you've had enough sun today...
M: No no, I must get a tan
L: you've been at the beach all day, I think you are tanorexic.
by Melissa September 21, 2004
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jumping out of a car in order to tag a sick wall in aerosol.
"aw, <i>man</i>. my ankle has tire marks from that lame dust off three blocks back."
by Melissa September 13, 2004
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Corey has an alligory
by Melissa November 26, 2004
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