13 definitions by Melbell

A cunning plan to get rid of George Bush. Adapted from a Doctor Who episode, where the Doctor overthrows Harriet Jones' Government with 6 little words "Doesn't she look tired" which results in people speculating she is ill, and leads to a vote of no confidence.

The idea is to spread the idea that Bush looks tired to the same effect, and could also be seen as one big experiment to see if it works. Began as a meme on livejournal.

So, if you would like to take part in the experiment, or hate Bush and want to get rid of him, pass it on.
Doesn't Bush look tired?

You know, I think he does. I just mentioned that to my Mum and she agrees.

by Melbell January 4, 2006
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Home-home is the most common way students refer to the place where they originally came from, rather then where they live whilst at university, but can be used by anybody who is living somewhere other then where they were born.
"I have to go back and pack because I'm going home-home this weekend"
by Melbell August 6, 2005
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Aussie slang for spiked, to have one's drink drugged.
I am far to chirpy this morning, has somebody micked my coffee?
by Melbell January 30, 2006
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Sci Fi TV show that is a spin off of the movie Stargate. About a device that can transport you to other planets and the team, SG-1, that explores through it. It has its own spin off show: Stargate Atlantis, as well as a huge franchise including books, magazines, games ect.
Stargate SG-1 has been running for nine season as of 2005.
by Melbell September 14, 2005
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Sequel to Eragon and second book in the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini. Much better then the first.
Eldest is the second book in the Inheritance Triology
by Melbell September 14, 2005
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If you were to have two choices, and one involved payment and one did not, the one that did not involve payment would be free-er then the other.
I'm going to get cash rather then have them draw up a cheque because its free-er that way.
by Melbell August 7, 2005
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