2 definitions by MehShotgun

Normal is usually used by the general society to generalise the things they do everyday. Watching TV, for example, is considered normal. Except, that is isn't the case. Who is exactly, normal? Normal was made by people who think that everyone else that act much differently to them are not-normal. You see, Normal is Relative. To explain, Bronies are typically perceived by society as fat losers who share an unhealthy obsession to a cartoon made for little girls. They, however, see themselves as completely normal human beings who share a love for a television program.

A lot of things generally perceived as Normal by society's standards are horribly dangerous. Like sitting. Sitting is an extremely dangerous thing to do that will destroy your long-term life span and yet billions of us do it every single fucking day. Snorting cocaine is considered normal among models but not among "Normal" people. Drinking coffee is considered "Normal" among Americans but not among Turks. Running 25 kilometers every morning is considered "Normal" among athelets but not among lazy people.

The point is...
Normal is Relative
by MehShotgun February 23, 2015
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Hannah Hart Side. TOS, but for girls. Named after Hannah Hart, the not so obviously gay Youtuber}.
Is it just me or is Maranda's ass really good all of a sudden...
You're HHS is showing
by MehShotgun January 24, 2015
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