10 definitions by Megz n Denzer

Free-style walk. It's like skating without a board. It involves propelling the body off random surfaces and landing gracefully and gloriously. Can be done on boobs, butts, handrail, concrete slabs, trees, walls (granite, brick, or any material), or any surface, depending on the skill of the fwalker. As a verb: fwalking (free-style walking).
Tait Sougstad and Nick Forsberg can sure fwalk! Yeah boys, fwalk it! Fwalk it, fwalk it good!
by Megz n Denzer July 9, 2004
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See shithole. Place in Oregon overinfested by hicks and ignorant slobs. Wait, that's the same thing. The home of the one cool Drain native, Tim George.
Drain? Hey, I've driven through there once. Isn't that nothing but a main street and a high school.
by Megz n Denzer July 9, 2004
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Tim George A.K.A a Really Awesome Monkey. A trenchcoat wearing hick-beater.
Tim George A.K.A a Really Awesome Monkey.
by Megz n Denzer July 9, 2004
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