40 definitions by Meadow Soprano

J had been deluding himself for so long, that his ego became hunormous
by Meadow Soprano September 5, 2005
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After years of a love/hate relationship with her boyfriend, she was convinced that no one else would ever love her....his abuse turned her to lint
by Meadow Soprano September 3, 2005
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a hairless pussy.......bald as a baby
what do you prefer......just a wax, or go for the gunche?
by Meadow Soprano August 2, 2005
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When someone starts dressing like a total dork, after years of doing the opposite.
Have you seen John Mayer lately? The guy totally dorkified himself! He used to dress cool, but now he looks like a total dork!
by Meadow Soprano September 24, 2014
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when it looks like it is raining, but you aren't getting wet
As I stood outside, it looked as if it were raining...but I wasn't getting wet- it can only be evaporain
by Meadow Soprano October 23, 2005
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a friend who always has drama in his/her life; who gets pissed at friends over stupid things and is ALWAYS mad and talking shit about someone
S would always be aggravated at one of her friends, keeping them on some sort of "probation".....what a high maintenance friend- that's why I had to drop her
by Meadow Soprano October 23, 2005
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Head Up Your Ass Syndrome....an affliction that most Americans seem to have lately.....
She was talking on her cell while driving, so she almost ran over a pedestrian, and then took up 2 parking spots.....she definitely has H.U.Y.A.S.
by Meadow Soprano December 5, 2005
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