5 definitions by Me, Myself, and I! (Just Me!)

Something teens call something really really cool but try to sound good saying it.
Bro 1: "Hey dude, do you want to the movies?"
Bro 2: "Yeah! That sounds fire!"
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A straight up old person, usually 100 years old (I made the 100 years thing up. Boomers are just old people.)
A 100 year old: "Hey can you give me my Nokia?"
Me: "Ok boomer."
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A fun game that has no math in it whatsoever. You can play it when your teachers says "Play something educational." That's your cue to play Cool Math Games.
"You may now play an educational game like Cool Math Games, or another educational game."
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Some retard that just wants money and doesn't care about making a country a better place.
The truthful person: "Hey, did y'all know that Joe Biden is just a president for money. Can't that dude just find another job?"
Me: "Yeah it's true because it came from him, the truthful person."
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Something that amazes you or you think is awesome. Teenagers have their own words for cool such as fire, gas, lit, lamp, hot urine, light, sun, and other stuff I made up along the way that has heat related to it that teenagers might use.
Me: "Dude that was so cool!"
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