3 definitions by Mazza E

Has an aversion to sunlight, meaning they can usually be found in their bedroom - either playing on computer games or watching soap operas. Turner's are modest about their high intelligence, and sarcasm comes naturally to them.

On the whole they are hard working, fun to be around, loyal, thoughtful, kind and caring. They are also exceptionally good at making hot beverages.
Girl 1: Hey…who's that guy with Marie?
Girl 2: Oh…that's Turner
by Mazza E January 27, 2015
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The art of taking photographs in the most flattering light for you, usually a more darker setting with dulled light. There’ll be no need for filters or apps when you find the good light.
Clare: Dayum girl! You look fiiiiiinnee in that pic!

Marie: Thanks girl, you gotta take them in the good light! #nofilter
by Mazza E June 27, 2019
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To protrude ones teeth in a goofy fashion, mainly when attempting to smile
Jeez Louise! Check out Steve in this photo…he's pulling a right Madeley Face!
by Mazza E January 26, 2015
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