1 definition by Mayu Mizuki <3

An event at your local school that (in the school staff's opinion) "will allow students to kick back and have fun with friends". Basically, what a school dance consists of is a live DJ playing pop and hip-hop (very unsettling for a rock fan), teachers, and of course, the students all dancing away at a large area at school. They're all supposed to have fun, right?

...No, not really. In my case, the school had us sign a "Behavior Agreement Form", which restricts you from holding hands with others, forming mosh pits, and all that good stuff that goes in a dance. AUTOMATIC DOUCHINESS. That's probably what my classmates thought, so very few people ever show up to the dance. Last year, roughly 100 students showed up out of the 1260 in the 6th & 7th grades. This year, only 3 people out of the 540 8th graders showed up, and the dance was instantly canceled.
The moral of the story? If your school makes you sign a douchy behavior agreement form for a school dance, it's automatically shitty. Don't go.
by Mayu Mizuki <3 October 11, 2009
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