28 definitions by Maya

To be precise..Leiutenant Fuzz..the coolest asian camp counsler that plays *manly* volley ball and has only 3 pairs of bathingsuits from old navy. He is cool. Period. i mean what is there more to say? Period...hes a cool asian...all asians are cool..**HIS NAME ORIGNINATED FROM HIS HAIR! on his HEAD! it was short cut...and now...sadly..it has become a bush
Maya: Fuzz!
Lt. Fuzz: just played some maaaaaajor volleyball
Maya: chaa fuzz...hows ur hair man?
Lt.Fuzz:sadly...it is fuzz no more...it is now...more like.. a bush
by Maya March 22, 2005
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Another form of whatever. Used when you just want to add another dose of vulgarity to the sentence.
Jez: So what the fuck are we doing tonight?
Cory: Well, we can either: 1. Party and drink. Or, 2. Drink and party.
Jez: Let's just blaze and fuck.
Cory: Whatever the fuck ever, man. Let's just get some sex. Just giv'r.
by Maya January 18, 2004
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A plastic blonde doll; victim of decapitation; supermodel body; a symbol of bimboism
Barbie: Hi-eeee
Barbie: How are you today?
Barbie: Oh, you mean me? (giggles)
Audience: (rolls eyes)
by Maya December 13, 2003
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Mom that suffers from bipolar disorder and doesnt know it, so she takes her pain on her children!
RARWR DIE MAYA!- Larisa Avg.
by Maya February 20, 2005
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It means Dog...in Serbian!
Ti si pas.
Your a dog.
by Maya April 24, 2005
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Emo is genre of hardcore punk music started in the mid eighties by a band called Rites Of Spring. Their lead singer had been a big fan of the band Minor Threat, and after their breakup, had decided to start his own band. It was similar in the musical sense, however the lyrics were different. Instead of spitting about politics and anti-capitalist themes, the lyrics were more personal, and hateful towards themselves. This new music managed to drive away many old punk fans, and attract many new ones.
The DC emo scene exploded and became excessively popular amongst the underground. However, it fizzled out almost as fast as it had begun.
In the early 90's, two new bands, Sunny Day Real Estate and Jawbreaker, started the new wave of emo music. SDRE started the "post indie emo" genre. Bands that can be categorized under this genre could be Texas Is The Reason, Taking Back Sunday, Mineral and other music following those lines, that are often confused for emo.
Jawbreaker were the new wave of emo revival, although still remotley underground, the music continues to be popular with the people who can search it out.
Thanks to MTV, the perception of what real emo is has been completely changed and most people do not understand what it is, automatically assuming that DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL or anyone else with an acoustic singing about breakup is emo. Emo isn't pussy music, it's heartfelt, and hardcore at the same time. An angry emotional release of self loathing and self depreciation.
The style of music that band played was pretty similar to the emo stuff that Rites did.
by Maya February 14, 2005
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a game where children/adults shove their big toe up the other persons ass for sexual stimulation/fun.
chick1:how was the party last night?
chick2:awesome! there was definetly some great toe buggering!
by Maya April 19, 2003
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