52 definitions by Maxwell

The incoherent language spoken by African Americans on the CB radio that can be understood only by another fellow African American CB radio user.
sounding to a White person, "Bla Wa Na Wab Bla Bla Wa Na Bleb Dab Wab Dod Nob Bla Bla Bla Da Mutta Fuckka Dare Brake Brake"
by Maxwell June 27, 2004
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you wear burberry and rainbows, you are the only girls school invited to mixers that shows up in polos (and no, a mixer is not an appliance), a tight squeeze is a place, and "the river" is a source of infinite mystery and fascination
kid 1: who are those girls with their collars popped flocking together in the corner over there

kid 2: oh they're chatham girls
by Maxwell November 21, 2004
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An awsome kid who shoudl never leave GFS. has mad skills at typing w/ her nose.
ASSHOLE:Diana is a goth bitch
ME: WTF? diana is awsome *bitch slap*
by Maxwell December 13, 2004
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seven eleven punks are the kids that hang out infrount of a seven eleven and bug you when you walk into the seven eleven.. seven eleven punks make mall rats and others look better
For a Example of this goto your loco seven eleven or get Harold & kumar goto white castle on dvd and watch that
by Maxwell March 15, 2005
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A New York pronunciation for the word car.
My ca was towed last night by the New York City police for illegal parking at Times Square.
by Maxwell January 23, 2005
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Jerome axed his mother for some money to go to the store.
by Maxwell December 18, 2004
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