20 definitions by MaximumOverdrive

Teenage heartthrob, who will get washed up in a few years and will be a hobo. Some girl will recognize him and marry him because "he is like so hot!" he will continue to mooch off of her for years. clearly gay, because no straight man would wear that much makeup or star in such overly feminine movies. In HSM2 he got a REALLY gay haircut that was incredibly similar to the openly gay kid in my schools hair. I mean this in the straightest way possible, his hair was much cooler in the first one. Supposedly dating some Disney pop princess but it's probably a cover story.
*World history class starts*
Me- yo matt, ever see highschool musical?
Matt- yeah.
Me- yknow zac efron?
Matt- yeah.
Me- he's so gay
Matt- I know he wears so much makeup
Tina- he's not gay.
Me+matt- yeah he is
Tina- no he isn't. He's got a girlfriend.
Me- and? Marcus had a girlfriend and everyone knew he was gay years before he came out(or found out, for that matter)
by MaximumOverdrive October 18, 2008
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Someone with liabilities is incredibly good at lying. Can get any one believe anything at any time. Abilities are on par with lying greats such as George Costanza, Drake Parker, and George Bush.
liabilities- they hold society together
by MaximumOverdrive October 20, 2008
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a scale that measures how kickass someone or something is. Normally used when an already cool person does something awesome, normally followed by applause.

Our new "gym teacher in training" was previously a soldier in Iraq. He has a biker beard (a moustache that only goes around the mouth) and just stands there, arms crossed, looking incredibly badass. He is just concentrated awesomeness.
Me- dude look at the gym teacher.
Damian- which one?
Me- I don't know his name, the soldier guy.
Bryan- he's just standing there looking cool.
Me- I know right! He's fucking awesome!
James- he radiates awesomeness.
Me- yeah, if someone stood next to him, they would be twice as awesome the next day!
All- Yeah!
*whole room gets noisy*
Gym teachers- guys! Guys!
*REALLY loud whistle(the finger one)*
*everyone stares at guy and begins to applaud*
Me- that guy just jumped a notch on the kickass-o-meter.
by MaximumOverdrive November 10, 2008
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The perfect thing to give out on Halloween.
I got a candy bar!
I got some gum!
I got a rock...

Rocks- give em to all the little kids!
by MaximumOverdrive November 2, 2008
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A pretty fucking awesome sketch comedy group based in New York.
Members include:
Adam Conover(blond curly hair and somewhat stocky)
Ben Popik(group founder, somewhat curly short black hair)
Caleb Bark(has either an afro or shaved head and beard of somewhat blond hair)
David Segal(short black hair, beard and usually wearing purple)
Raphael "Raizin" Bob-Waksberg( short curly hair and stubble)

Past members include:

They have released some pretty awesome vids, including "I hate nature" and "breakfast at tiffany's"
by MaximumOverdrive November 4, 2008
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The ability to play guitar while lying on the floor. As in actually performing or playing guitar hero(or rockband). Can be laying on the flat on the floor or propping your head up with a pillow. Someone who does this is a slackitarist.
Slackitar isn't an easy instrument to master.
by MaximumOverdrive November 7, 2008
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