3 definitions by MattyJ53

Adj: to act like a person who is insane, crazy, out of touch of reality. or can describe how pleasing a noun is.
Word comes from the last name of Gary Busse who, if you have ever listened to him talk, is a couple fries short of a happy. Or ass they say in the medical profession, he is fucking looney!
Dude my girl was acting busse last night so I hung up on the bitch.

Man this party tonight is gonna be straigh busse.

Dont make me get busse on you!!!
by MattyJ53 February 16, 2010
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Adj: to act like a person who is insane, crazy, out of touch of reality. or can describe how pleasing a noun is.
Word comes from the last name of Gary Busse who, if you have ever listened to him talk, is a couple fries short of a happy meal. Or as they say in the medical profession, he is fucking looney!
Dude my girl was acting busse last night so I hung up on the bitch.

Man this party tonight is gonna be straigh busse.

Dont make me get busse on you!!!
by MattyJ53 February 16, 2010
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No smog - adj.

a good day or used to describe a good day. A reference to the Ice Cube song "Today was a good day. He says...

"Just waking up in the morning, gotta thank god, I dont know but today seems kinda odd. No barking from the dog, no smog, and momma cooked a breakfast with no hog."
How was your day?" " No Smog!" Ah, well I'm glad you are having a good day.
by MattyJ53 February 12, 2010
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