121 definitions by Matthew

A Waggamomma has Baby Hands, Baby Feet, Scared of almost everything..just like a little kid. A sweet, beautiful, charming, generous, good-humored, good-natured, heavenly girl named Raquel. Some call her Raquel, some call her Kel, I call her mine.

and waggamomma
I miss and E> my waggamomma.
by Matthew January 17, 2005
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To get something to drink.
the act of bevrication
I am thirsty so I will bevricate before we go to the store.
by Matthew October 26, 2003
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1. The area inside of the female genetalia, used to house a fetus during pregnancy.
2. The area into which the penis or balls are inserted.
"I once shoved a cow into my uterus."
by Matthew July 25, 2003
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Man on Radio: Don't you hate carpet stores that charge extra for the underpatting?

by Matthew December 23, 2003
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a russion born walrus that can clone into humans and eat popcorn
my does that lenhoff love popcorn or what.
by Matthew January 30, 2004
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discriptive phrase emphasizing the fact or portraying the feeling of when one has feces waiting to be discharged from the anal cavity.

Etymology: (Middle English)-
orginating from the Mayflower voyage to America and derived in the pilgrims' poor dietary habits yielding frequent diarrheal evacuations which lead to the cautinary call of 'crap of deck!'
"i got a 'crap on deck' that could choke a donkey"
by Matthew December 9, 2003
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