2 definitions by Mathews

The result of heavy drinking of which results in an alcohol blood content that still exists long after drinking because your liver is still trying to cope with the detox.

As a result the liver uses water to metabolize the alcohol, this water is obtained from the body and often the brain which has a high concentration of water, this lack of water that is a result of metabolism causes the membranes in the brain to tighten thus causing the headaches and body aches often are another result

puking can also occur when the body
drinking one night, and not wanting to live hte next day
by Mathews July 25, 2005
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The result of heavy drinking of which results in an alcohol blood content that still exists long after drinking because your liver is still trying to cope with the detox.

As a result the liver uses water to metabolize the alcohol, this water is obtained from the body and often the brain which has a high concentration of water, this lack of water that is a result of metabolism causes the membranes in the brain to tighten thus causing the headaches and body aches often are another result

puking can also occur when the body has too much alcohol and rejects the remaining alcohol in the stomach by throwing it back up
Waking up the next day after a hardy party and getting crunk
by Mathews July 25, 2005
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