577 definitions by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian

The SARS-CoV-2 variant that comes after Omnicron.
Reporter: February 24, 2022 — experts have detected sightings of a new SARS-CoV-2 variant in the outskirts of Bangkok. They are naming it the Sigma variant because it sounds more cooler than Rho or Tau.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 25, 2021
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To marinate someone is to gain somebody's trust only to take advantage of them at a later point in time. Though the meaning originated from a video game, it is a great all-around term and can/should be applied to many situations.
Example 1: Don't hang around with Joe, he seems like a nice dude but he'll eventually marinate you by asking you to "borrow" some money

Example 2: Yo I just marinated this girl to send me feet pics for this "school assignment" that I'm doing
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Something that, when spoken, elicits some really disturbing connotations.

Never use this word. Please.
Me: Hey what's the cafeteria serving for today?
Friend: Soup
Me: Oh, what kind of soup?
Friend: Dunno, but I scooped up a ribcage, some fresh chicken broth maybe
Me: Ewww stop!!! I don't wanna hear that ever again!!!!
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian January 12, 2022
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1) Some lame ass token economy system that shit-for-brains elementary school teachers love to brainwash their 'special' students with
2) A question that's been asked to the point of ad nauseam, and can no longer warrant a response (i.e. no fucks given)
1) Paul the helper: Pog marbles or stickers.
2nd grader: POG????
Paul the helper: Yes
2nd grader: POG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul the helper: Ok here you go
2nd grader: *starts to cry after realizing he had been duped*

2) Mr. Dotard: Pog marbles or stickers?
5th grader: whatever
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A super powerful photo & video editing app that is used by everyone from professionals to amateur photographers. They offer a wide range of filters and presets to choose from.
Me: I love VSCO
Her: OMG me too!
Me: yeahhh like, they have so many filters to choose from!!
Her: Wut
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 6, 2020
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Paan is a stimulant that is widely consumed throughout the southeastern parts of Asia. It is made from areca nut wrapped around betel leaves (these plants are only grown in southeastern Asia). Similar to chewing tobacco, it is consumed through chewing the leaves which produces a juice that is either swallowed or spat out. Interesting though, the juice being spat out is a bloody red color.
Dudebro 1: Ey yo, you got some Paan?

Dudebro 2: Nah fam, but you can go ask those Betel nut beauties down the street
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 20, 2020
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1) Fancy academic term for the inquiry of truths in an opinion

2) See: Hegelian dialectic, Dialectical materialism, Hegelianism
1) The two exchanged dialectics with regards to the recent statements made by the president.

2) For Hegel, the concrete, the synthesis, the absolute, must always pass through the phase of the negative, in the journey to completion, that is, mediation. Day must always be met with night; either one cannot stay forever. A peaceful kingdom will always be met with a violent revolution. The sun will eventually explode and earth will ultimately become stardust for yet another star and its planetary system. Nothing is stagnant or fixed in the grand scheme of things; its current state is the reflection and outcome of a long chain of events in the past, and is still destined to an endless cycle of renewal. This is the essence of what is popularly called Hegelian dialectics.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 23, 2021
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