577 definitions by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian

Let me rephrase my previous definition differently and more sensibly:

While ear licking is technically a form of ASMR, ear licking should NOT be associated with ASMR. Why?

It's money-grabbing publicity material. Suggestive stuff always gets more attention than non-suggestive stuff. This changes the dominant representation of ASMR from something non-sexual to something lewd. Now don't get me wrong, ASMR can be suggestive/erotic, but that is not at all representative of the true purpose of ASMR (which is to relax and give you tingles). Such content should be on pornhub, NOT twitch. It is truly heartbreaking to see newcomers being deterred away from ASMR because of the ear licking, when in reality ASMR stands for so much more.

It is exactly like toxic Rick & Morty fans who give off a bad impression of that show when in reality it is such a great show.
It is exactly like the people who shit on Fortnite when it's actually not that bad of a game.
It is exactly like people who boycott Papa John's because of its kooky CEO when in reality their pizza is really good.
Do I need to come up with more analogies?

Also let's be honest, the sound of somebody's wet tongue dragging across the mic is generally revolting to hear. If you genuinely like ear licking, then good for you I guess, but please know and understand that ear licking is destroying the dignity and reputation of ASMR, day by day. There are endless tales of people who hate ASMR because all they knew of it was ear licking.
▼The chat of an ASMR twitch stream▼

DadudeBro: I am so relaxed rn, thanks
Hoss382950: Hello
KingJeff7: *abruptly comes in* Y'ALL ARE SICK PEOPLE FOR LIKING ASMR!!!
DadudeBro: @KingJeff7 no u
CHR0NICBE4ST: @KingJeff7 How? What did asmr ever do to you?

KingJeff7: Bruh I aint gonna listen to some girl licking the fuckin mic
CHR0NICBE4ST: Please pay attention to this stream, do you see any ear licking? Also, I think you got the wrong impression of ASMR. Look up "Virtual Barbershop" on Youtube and go watch the first video. Now THAT is real asmr.
DadudeBro: Yeah what CHR0NICBE4ST said. Additionally, go look up ASMRtists such as Gentle Whispering, Heather Feather, ASMRmagic, Gibi ASMR and Ephemeral Rift. Those are people who make actual ASMR. If you think ASMR is just ear licking and mukbang, then you are heavily misguided.
KingJeff7: I don't care, still cringey ass shit.
MOD Jadee_17: "KingJeff7 has been banned."
totally_newb: PETTHEMODS
Heckerboi97: PETTHEMODS
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 31, 2021
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Some stupid shit that skanky ass e-girls do to a binaural microphone. It is often wrongly labelled as asmr when in reality it's just erotica (FYI erotic asmr ≠ asmr). Call it asmr all you want, but the entire asmr community would beg to differ.
Ear licking is NOT asmr. To categorize ear licking as asmr is an utter insult towards the entire asmr community and misrepresents ASMR's raison d'etre.
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Porn produced and directed solely by women that are as hot as the pornstars themselves. This is in contrast to a typical male-run porn studio, where the director and cameraman are, well, men. So when watch you a Yagami Yato, you know that you're jerking off to beautiful women, both on camera and off camera.

(P.S. Porn can include both real-life and hentai)

To watch and fap to porn produced and directed solely by women.
Feminists: All pornography should be banned as it involves male-dominated porn studios depicting the objectification of women through the male gaze
An enlightened carl wheezer: Yagami Yato bitch!

Bro 1: Yo imma Yagami Yato tonight 😍🥰
Bro 2: You that thirsty eh?
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A super powerful photo & video editing app that is used by everyone from professionals to amateur photographers. They offer a wide range of filters and presets to choose from.
Me: I love VSCO
Her: OMG me too!
Me: yeahhh like, they have so many filters to choose from!!
Her: Wut
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 6, 2020
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Paan is a stimulant that is widely consumed throughout the southeastern parts of Asia. It is made from areca nut wrapped around betel leaves (these plants are only grown in southeastern Asia). Similar to chewing tobacco, it is consumed through chewing the leaves which produces a juice that is either swallowed or spat out. Interesting though, the juice being spat out is a bloody red color.
Dudebro 1: Ey yo, you got some Paan?

Dudebro 2: Nah fam, but you can go ask those Betel nut beauties down the street
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian November 20, 2020
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1) Fancy academic term for the inquiry of truths in an opinion

2) See: Hegelian dialectic, Dialectical materialism, Hegelianism
1) The two exchanged dialectics with regards to the recent statements made by the president.

2) For Hegel, the concrete, the synthesis, the absolute, must always pass through the phase of the negative, in the journey to completion, that is, mediation. Day must always be met with night; either one cannot stay forever. A peaceful kingdom will always be met with a violent revolution. The sun will eventually explode and earth will ultimately become stardust for yet another star and its planetary system. Nothing is stagnant or fixed in the grand scheme of things; its current state is the reflection and outcome of a long chain of events in the past, and is still destined to an endless cycle of renewal. This is the essence of what is popularly called Hegelian dialectics.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 23, 2021
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A man who leads with intellectual wisdom and altruism, not with physical strength or gallantry.
Jesus, Aristotle, Gandhi, Einstein, and Nikola Tesla are examples of an alpha male.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 7, 2022
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