17 definitions by Marvin

A jamaican insult meaning a meagre dog
A: Ya head faeva bumba brush
B: Marga Dawg
by Marvin August 22, 2005
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freakishly tall yet skinny and goofy looking object.
That flagpole is the most foshee thing ive ever seen.
by Marvin November 28, 2003
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God final message can be found in thirty foot high pillars of flame on the Quentulus Quazgar mountains in the land of sevorbeupstry on the planet Pliumtarn, in sector QQ7 active J gamma. and reads

"We apologise of the inconveniece"
"Gods final message"
by Marvin February 17, 2005
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kasi is the name used for South Afica black's hoods.
I'm tsotsi from kasi
I am gangster from the hood.
by Marvin October 1, 2004
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when a pansy-ass MAN is acting out of his job description and needs to be put into place.
"...stop acting like a little girl and man up, fool."
by Marvin June 27, 2003
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to attach clothespins to ones testicles during the act of masturbation in order to gain arousal from the painful sensation caused.
I caught Joe chakroffing in his dorm room during winter break when he thought the building was empty for the next week.
by Marvin September 14, 2004
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