70 definitions by Marty

When you sit down or stand up from a seated position and all of the loose change in your pockets falls out. Alternatively, when you leave your spare change in you pants/jacket, proceed to move said pants/jacket from your closet and change falls everywhere.
"Yo, get off the couch. I gotta pick out my change....I just pulled a mad Ducat Foul."
by Marty May 11, 2004
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Gay people that go out with members of the different group...
he just using those girls for his own bicapitalization
by Marty October 1, 2003
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A term for a woman's uterus, which produces "ink", i.e. menstrual fluid.
My pecker reached clear up to her inker.
by Marty January 22, 2003
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Why do you read the SMH? It's too big! At home we use it to protect our dinner table! Go for a REAL paper like the Daily Telegraph!
by Marty June 18, 2003
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I am saved through God's Grace, in that He sent Jesus Christ, The One whom was prophecied about, to die for me.
by Marty June 18, 2003
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An unfortunate public servant who has been asked to do the impossible: serve as chief diplomat for the Bush Administration.
That poor bastard Colin Powell has to fly around apologizing for the arrogant policies of the Bush Administration.
by Marty October 22, 2003
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Greatest song ever by Jefferson Airplane originally on the Surrealistic Pillow album.
Performed and written by Grace Slick who has to be the worlds best singer.
Awsome song to listen to when high, especially on acid!
-Dude did you listen to White Rabbit last night while trippin on acid?
-ya man, i saw the words and alice all over the walls!
by Marty April 3, 2005
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