70 definitions by Marty

Looking act someone without having the nerve to actually go up and say hello.
Quit social stalking that "big beefy" boy at the gym already.
by Marty October 1, 2003
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Noun. American. 2005.

Synonym for jackass tool dickhead doofus ass clown or any other similar perjorative term meant to indicate an individual, typically male, who lacks intelligence, hipness, or is otherwise notably out of step with immediate social norms.
"Did you see that guy squeel his tires in the parking lot as he peeled out for the JV softball girls? What a total fucking cockaroni, dude."
by Marty March 10, 2005
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A heavy liquid with a pungent odor which, when vapors are inhaled, causes very rapid onset of general anesthesia. Side effects similar to chloroform: toxic to heart and liver.
That dumbass Byron accidently inhaled too much ethyl chloride vapor and passed out in the chemistry lab.
by Marty October 22, 2003
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Gas with strong analgesic and weak anesthetic effects. Used in surgery and dentistry, mainly to potentiate other anesthetics. Also called "laughing gas".
When they put him under for his knee operation, they gave him halothane in nitrous oxide and oxygen.
by Marty October 22, 2003
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Rob: Did you get your bastedo for the party?
Marty: No, I'm getting a bit overweight
Rob: Don't worry about it, I've got akimow and add!
Marty: Well, that's still better than akimow bukkake
Rob: Stay away from my sister.
by Marty January 30, 2005
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Dodgy orangoutang Loving

Seriously disturbed kiddy fiddler
by Marty April 2, 2003
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The "other" suburb of New York, in a moderate rivalry with Long Island, which is for some reason seen as the "prime" suburb because it is slightly larger and more well-known. ANd by the way, Westchester County is not a bunch of rich snobs, contrary to the stereotype. Acc. to the census LI has the same per capita income as us.
Long Island can go fuck themselves - did you know that the 516 area code was actually created out of 914 in 1954? We still have the area code, you losers!
by Marty April 6, 2004
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