11 definitions by Marshallasthefish

An attempt to make a standard lacklustre product or brand special by offering a so called deluxe edition.
As sales of music on physical CD format lose out to digital downloading, sellers engage in deluxification by offering "Special" or "Deluxe" editions in distinctive packaging,limited editions or offers with a CD and T-shirt,or dirtblaster
by Marshallasthefish April 10, 2010
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No Option Ruled In No Option Ruled Out
ie All options remain available
The U.S. administration's position is totally clear...
it's norinoro.
Our position on Iran remains the same ...norinoro..very simple and very straightforward.
No firm decision has yet been made ..so it's norinoro
by Marshallasthefish November 15, 2007
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Describes the process of attempting to improve the appearance of a room or a house by painting,wallpapering,changing the floorcovering or modifying ornamentation
The realtor (estate agent) explained that given the neglected state of the property,some basic decorationalisation would probably increase the value considerably
by Marshallasthefish April 11, 2010
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Prestigious 5 star rated University with its main Campus in the otherwise unassuming Lancashire(U.K.) town of Ramsbottom
Established in 1968 the University now has a 500 hectare Campus with 65,000 students. It was the first University to be established on the Timothy Leary principle of "Turn on,tune in and drop out"
Most noted for its Business School which can boast 3 former Economics Nobel prizewinners among its 500 strong faculty.
The University also has significant strengths in Archaeology,Nuclear Physics,Philosophy and Agriculture.
University Vice Chancellor, Randolph C. Hopkins has further plans to expand the University to 125,000 students within the next decade.
Applications to Caroline Basingstoke, Applications, University of Ramsbottom,Lancashire,U.K.
Applications to the University of Ramsbottom rose by 23% in 2008, with on average 126 students applying for each place available.
University of Ramsbottom,second only to Oxbridge,in Quality Standards.... says latest Government Report.
by Marshallasthefish May 16, 2008
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Totally intoxicated and anxious to pick a fight with anyone
From the lager brand Stella Artois
"Get him in the police van ...he's Stellard"
"What's his problem? ...is he Stellard?"
"He thinks he's Artois ...but he's Stellard"
"Drunk and disorderly? ...No he's completely Stellard"
by Marshallasthefish November 14, 2007
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A particularly agile, athletic and elusive thief.
Named after so called "Spring-heel Jack" a notorious pickpocket and burglar, active in Manchester(England) in the 1950's
Jack(Spring-heel)McMaster was finally caught in 1959 after committing an estimated 900+ offences. Though he never used violence,being too fast to be caught,he was sentenced to 8 years in gaol. He escaped from Strangeways gaol after 3 days and was never apprehended again.
It's generally safe in Barcelona, but you've got to watch out for spring-heels.
Be careful ...watch out for spring-heels !!
He's OK, but he's a bit of a spring-heel Jack (said as a term of endearment)
by Marshallasthefish November 14, 2007
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An irritating idiot with no redeeming features
Jack ? He's a complete nob-head
What kind of nob-head would do a stupid thing like that ?
What you lookin' at nob-head ?
Have you always been such a nob-head ?
by Marshallasthefish November 14, 2007
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