13 definitions by MarkusRTK

"Bob, let me tell you something: About the only thing I can think of that would be less tolerable than another term under George Bush is - no, wait, I can think of a bunch of things, um... but... uh... one particular thing that I can think of that would be more tolerable... I mean less tolerable... no, more... no less - yeah, cause almost anything would be tolerable... like a lap dance... but, uh, one that would be less tolerable would be to be beaten repeatedly about the loins with a sturgeon."
by MarkusRTK February 13, 2004
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Unusually or overly cruel, referring either to specific actions or circumstances.
"So the teacher gave me a 35 in the class."
"Man, that's harsh!"
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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An alternate spelling of the more common meh. Refers to apathy in any form, but most commonly when the subject is presented with a choice and has no preference. Often accompaied with a shrug of the shoulders.
"Would you like to vote for Bush or Gore?"
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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A term of encouragement shouted while someone is attempting to do something requiring great strength or speed.
"I can't get this window open!"
"Come on, giver!"
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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A term for differing schools of political campaign theory, originated by ABCNEWS' The Note internet report referring to the Iowa caucuses of January 2004. "Mo" refers to momentum, or the last-miute media impact of a candidacy, whereas "O" refers to organization, the ground troops of a campaign fomenting a result.

For interest, "Mo" triumphed in Iowa 2004, as the insurgent campaigns of John Kerry and John Edwards soundly defeated the old frontrunners Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt.
"So this will be a contest of mo versus o."
by MarkusRTK January 22, 2004
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A myth.

No, really, the campaign tool that worked for Bush in 2000. (Of course, he didn't, technically, WIN, but y'know, he came close enough.) But pretty quickly he realized that, with Tom DeLay running Congress and the media busy taping its own mouth over, he didn't have to do the whole "compassionate" bit.
"Gee, I like that compassionate conservatism Bush practiced."
"When was that? When he cut taxes for the rich while emasculating our social programs? When he denied birth control to AIDS-stricken Third World countries? When he killed thousands of innocent people in a meaningless oil-war?"
"Uh... good point."
by MarkusRTK October 16, 2004
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The Oklahoma state legislature, according to U.S. Representative and 2004 GOP Senatorial candidate Tom Coburn.
Actual transcript, I am not making this up:

COBURN: Look, economic development in southwest Oklahoma is a federal role. Do you really believe that?

MALE CONSTITUENT: To some extent, yes sir.


MALE CONSTITUENT: Uh, because the development that we need is above our means.

COBURN: No it's not. It's because you have a bunch of crapheads in Oklahoma City that have killed the vision of anybody wanting to invest in Oklahoma.
by MarkusRTK October 16, 2004
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