19 definitions by Markus

A person who accidently transports Class A drugs abroad, after his / her mates leave them in his / her bag, without him / her knowing. Really
by Markus January 11, 2005
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the hardcore kid tried to hardcore dance in the middle of the pit and got his head knocked in by a 40 year old, truck driving, Slayer fan.
by Markus August 6, 2004
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Dude there is a ton of TPH's here.
by Markus October 31, 2003
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1337 5p34k fer puter which was derived from computer many a year ago
OMFG mah effin' p00ter is awSUM41
by Markus April 14, 2004
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Occurs in a men's locker room, the victim is bent over, tying their shoe or something when another male sticks his bare ass in his face and farts.
Damn yo, you got cheese caked before gym everyday this week.
by Markus June 27, 2004
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The type of nipples that Saul Rosenburg (from The Jerky Boys phone calls) has.
I got sand all over my assy nipples
by Markus July 16, 2003
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noun, Finnish.
Most likely the most powerful curseword ever created by mankind. Cannot be translated without loss. Versatile word that can be used alone or repeated indefinitely.
Originally name of the tunder god. In the christian era used as a name of the Satan. Perkele is such a powerful word, bacause it includes both of these connotations and in addition is very often associated with 'sisu', the attitude of never ever giving up.
"Perkele", in frustration.
by Markus April 8, 2004
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