28 definitions by Marbarian

Actally Hobart is a city in Tasmania. Tasmaina is a small state of Australia that is and Island on the east side of the country.
If you go to Hobart you will see people running around with 2 heads that are called Tasmanians.
by Marbarian May 20, 2005
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Slang term for a filter paper.
A man was smoking and kept getting ash in his mouth so next time he rolled he used a filly.
by Marbarian May 26, 2005
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When said with sarcasum, it is Sega Slayer language for "I'm a retard who hates SEGA for no reason and if I could i'd suck myself off"
by Marbarian June 22, 2005
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Someone who hates Sega, either because they are ignorent, think they make crap games, or more commonly, hates sega because they fail to accept their own responsablility for buying a console/add-on which then failed.
Sega didn't intend for the mega cd, 32x and saturn to be failures! It's just people didn't buy them, so they failed!

A sega hater bought a mega cd but the mega cd was unpopular so they stopped making games for it. The sega hater then blamed sega because their console was unpopular.
by Marbarian May 19, 2005
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The sort of handheld console that you don't buy. It has graphic advantages over a nintendo ds and has a wider screen. However, the PSP has loads of dumb features that people have already stated, like dvd. All of the DS' features have something to do with gaming and are trying to make their games fun. Sony however, want to make a mobile phone and call it a handheld console.
Guy: Wow, this DS revolutionizes gaming with a touch screen and still focuses on making entertaining games.

Dickhead: WoW I just got this psp and it has shit games and I payed $400 dollars for it! Darn, my batteries flat.

Guy: You should've bought a DS and had fun other then buy an expensive peice of crap that runs out of batteries in 4-6 hours.

Dickhead: Nuh uh!!! The PSP has heaps good games like... uh... um... DVD! Beat that!

Guy: *sigh* Ok you can miss out on Mario 64 ds and the following upcoming titles: New seiken densetsu game, new final fantasy game, sonic rush, new mario bros and smash bros ds.

Dickhead: Woah! I want my money back but I can't get it back because my PSP broke down and sony offers no warranty knowing that the PSP would be fragile!!!
by Marbarian June 4, 2005
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A lame, but funny joke. Note that it's not an insult.
"Ya mum"
"Ya mum's mum"

"You suck"
"Ya mum sucks"
by Marbarian May 4, 2005
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SEGA 32 bit system. It was made to compete with Sony's Playstation and the Nintendo 64.
SEGA originally designed the Saturn for 2D games and were like "Oh shit" when they saw the playstation. The saturn's controller was very similar to the PSX's, (Playstation) except it had 6 buttons in the normal position and 2 shoulder buttons, as the PSX had the SNES 4 button layout with 4 shoulder pads. The saturn's controller was a 6 button SEGA megadrive (SEGA Genesis) controller with shoulder buttons.
The controller was evolutionary of the Megadrive's offering, just like the console was meant to be. The saturn could do a better job of 2D then the PSX and 64, but 3D wasn't as good. With the help of an expansion the saturn could even run some 2D fighters better then the SEGA Dreamcast could. Still, games like Daytona USA are Playstation quality.
The console sold less then 10 million units world wide, mainly due to alot of the good games weren't realeased outside of Japan, and it wasn't as 3D efficent as it's opponents.
The console had decent sales in Japan, less the the PSX's but the Saturn sold more games: The saturn was more liked by people dedicated to gaming.
Also it had a battery for save files, there was a memory card but it was expensive.
Some of the Most popular Saturn games are: NiGHTS into Dreams, Panzer Dragoon series, Dragon force, Guardian heroes, Daytona USA, SEGA rally championship, Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Fighters Megamix, Radiant Silvergun and more...
The saturn was not as revolutionary as the PSX or 64 but in many ways better for 2D games.
by Marbarian August 26, 2005
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