28 definitions by Marbarian

A side-scroling beat 'em up that was realeased in 89 but the story happens 2 years earlier.
Mike Haggar (from saturday night slam masters) is the mayor of Metro City, the "crime captial of the world." The Mad Gear gang runs the city and they kidnap Haggar's daughter, Jessica. Haggar gets his gym buddies, Guy, the bushin ninja and Cody, the street fighter, to help him rid the city of the mad gear gang for good. They beat up tons of people using punches, kicks, throws, pilledrivers, flying kicks, knives, katanas, lead pipes etc. And they rescue Jessica and Cody knocks the leader out of a window (Shows this at the start of final fight 2, in the Japanese version anyway.)
This game was moved to so many consoles. On SNES, they removed 2 player mode, Guy and a whole level. They also changed Poison and Roxy to Billy and Sid because they thought they were transvestites and because they didn't like the idea of hitting women (Which completly contradicts the first thing.) Damnd and Sodom were changed to Thraser and Katana.
The story of Final Fight 2 is Mad Gear regroups and goes international. They capture Guy's girlfirend (Or wife... or something) Rena and Guy's master's master. Maki, Rena's sister rings up Haggar and asks him to help get them back. He does, with the help of Carlos, someone who is staying at Haggar's place at the time. No Cody or Guy, they were either training, in jail or doing the street fighter alpha stuff. Anyway, the three beat Mad Gear, this time for good.
In final fight 3, Haggar, Guy (By now the events of street fighter Alpha 1, 2 and 3 are over) a cop called Lucia and a street fighter who had his family mudered, Dean, fight the Skull Cross gang who took over after Mad Gear was destroyed. They beat the leader and knock him into some high voltage electricity thing.

There were so many conversions of the original (Final Fight for sega cd, gba etc.) There was also final fight revenge but people still wonder if this has anyhting to do with the story line. There's also a few gaps between the games coz the whole story line consists of street fighter games, saturday night slam masters and a whole lot of other games.
Streets of Rage was a total rip-off of Final Fight but still a good game. Final Fight is the King of beat 'em ups!
by Marbarian May 16, 2005
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Was once the best school ever, (Now closed) located in Aldgate, south Australia.
I would've gone to school at Marbury if it didn't close down
by Marbarian December 24, 2004
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A popular Australian rap group from the Adelaide hills.
I acknowledge them for having as many fans as any artist on tv, but refusing to go big and not have videos.
by Marbarian April 15, 2005
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This site, which is supposed to be used for urban slang but most of the definitions are
1) Sexually related
2) Video game related
3) Peoples names
4) Words that people just make up out of no where and claim it's urban slang.
5) Not real facts and just peoples opinions without reason.

Only some of urban dictionary is used properly.
1) I'll use urbandictionary to educate myself about sex!
2) I'll go onto urban dictionary and educate my self about video games and realise theres people besides me that still play the snes!
3) I'll go onto urban dictionary and learn about some rapist some guy met!
4) I'll go onto urban dictionary and look at all the crappy words that people make up like neegah.
5) Wow, chrono trigger is such a great game but i'm not going to give a reason!!!
by Marbarian April 14, 2005
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It's like a combination of final fantasy and the legend of zelda. An adventure game with some turn based RPG elements like leveling up, gaining stats etc.
Some of the best action-RPGs are in the seiken densetsu series, my favourite being secret of mana
by Marbarian June 23, 2005
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Something which has not yet happend.
The NES sold about 60 million copies and the SNES sold about 50 million. By the 32/64 bit period in gaming the whole number of the market increased. The Nintendo 64 got beaten by the PSX sold over 90 million copies and the 64 sold about 32 million copies. 32 million console sales still brings in alot of money though. Nintendo's latest home console is the gamecube which has so far sold almost 20 million copies, very similar sales to microsoft's Xbox. The PS2 beat them both with over 100 mllion sales though.
Nintendo's game boy handheld console realeased in 1989 is the highest selling console of all time and sold over 150 million consoles internationally. The game boy colour sold over 1 million units in Australia alone and worldwide sold more copies then the 64. The game boy advance and gba sp sold roughly 50 million systems world wide. Nintendo's newly realeased Nintendo DS has so far beaten the PSP's sales but the PSP was realeased alot later, so the PSP may take over eventually.
Nintendo's next console to compete with the PS3 and Xbox 360 will be called the Nintendo Revolution.
The truth is, Nintendo's games aren't aimed at kids but for all ages and people who would like to play a fun game, regardless of how much violence it has. (Which is often turned down by Sony Fanboys, 9 year old casual gamers.)
Nintendo say they cherish their hardcore gamers but want to increase the total gaming population. But making a revolutionary system and drawing in casual gamers are two completly different things. Though we can not yet say for sure if the rev will be any good, if it is good it may still die (It's happend before.)
Even if Nintendo's Revolution fails, they currently still own most of the handheld market, and if that failed they could always become a software only company.
Death of Nintendo... an unlikly future event.
by Marbarian August 26, 2005
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See cops and pigs. These mothafuckas are corrupt arseholes that should go fuck themselves. Fuck the mothafucking police and fuck the law!
The police officer collected a bribe.
by Marbarian December 29, 2005
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