89 definitions by Mandy

An awesome melodic rock band with really creative and generally random songs. They have two albums thus far. 2002 self titled debut and the 2005 Oh No. Both are fantastic, however, Oh No is a little more grown up if you will. less shiny if you will a little more than you had before.

consist of four parts:
damian kulash -hot lead singer/guitarist that talks a little weird, but he's really hot so it's okay...like he also has a lisp, and his voice vacillates between being really light and really deep during the course of one conversation.
Tim Nordwind- the bassist, who is also quite awesome, jewish and wears black rimmed glasses. pretty much your average nerd.
Dan Konopka - pretty awesome drummer. looks Italian. probably is. i've never seen or heard him speak in a single interview.
Andy Ross- the hot new guitarist. damn he's hot. i've never heard him talk in my entire life as a fan.
M: i really like Ok Go's new album
A: really?
M: yep
A: alright.
by Mandy May 5, 2006
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Code for neo-nazi indiviuals to say "Hail Hitler". 8 refers to the letter H, the 8th letter in the alphabet. HH = Hail Hitler.
by Mandy February 16, 2003
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kk Im 14 yrs old and i dont go any of the shit... i have about 40 on each arm...when i guy breaks it i tell the to **** off and get a life the ones that mean hug or sumthin i dont care but the rest hell ya! here are the meaning at my school'
red:make out
Blue:lap dance
Pink:oral sex
Green:eating out
glow in the dark: use of sex toys
orange:doggy style
purple: tittysex
white/clear:anything they want

The rest i forget!! it will all be over soon and a new fad will be in
by Mandy November 26, 2004
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that dead sexy boy bander with the amazing voice and awesome solo album that nobody knows about. kicks major ass, and has great hair.
r:"dude have you heard jc chasez's new album, it's crazy good"
s: "yea my girlfriend like totally jizzed in her pants when she was listening to it.
by Mandy August 6, 2004
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Standing for Bacardi, used when drunk and too lazy to say Bacardi
Jim: Hey mate what you dirnkin?
Gazza: Oh im drinkin a bit of Bac
by Mandy April 18, 2005
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a kick ass boy bander who weighs more than a small whale. use to have a sucky voice but now it's awesome cus he brushed up his skills in "little shop of horrors" He's goin bald and will be the dead of nsync.
by Mandy August 6, 2004
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