9 definitions by Manave Eru Sulanul

Aule, counted among the mighty Valar he was a master of the material of the earth and was a great craftsman in Tolkien's mythology.
"Aule was creator of the 7 fathers of the dwarves but eru breathed life into them."
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 5, 2004
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One of the Istari (Wizards) in Tolkien's works. Also Called Gandalf.
"Mithrandir!...Mithrandir! They've taken the river at Osgiliath!!! The Bridge is taken!"
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 6, 2004
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Elrond; The Half Elven in Tolkien's Mythology is lord of Rivendell, called Imladris by the elves. He held a council during the days of the third age where the fellowship of the ring was created. He was brother to Elros.
"The Actor who played Elrond also played Agent Smith in The Matrix."
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 5, 2004
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Manwe, Lord of the Valar and king of Arda, called Sulimo, wind lord in Tolkien's Mythology. Manwe is closest to the will of Eru and counted mightiest of all the Valar save Melkor who now is chained in the void without and is called Morgoth.
"Manwe was lord of the winds and makes his home in fair Valinor."
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 5, 2004
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In Tolkien's mythology; The world, seperated from the void and created by the Valar as revealed the them by eru called Iluvatar but scarred by melkor.
"Arda, in tolkien's mythology all creation as made by the Valar."
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 5, 2004
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Last High king of the Noldor in Tolkien's Mythology. He fell in mordor in the war of the ring during the last alliance with Elendil and his people.
"Gil-galad was an elven king,
of him the harpers sadly sing,
The last whose realm was fair and free,
between the mountains and the sea."
by Manave Eru Sulanul July 5, 2004
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A phrase used when the situation at hand seems hopeless, or mind bogglingly silly. Usually, a nice threat with a gun would work really well there.
"I need really need an invitation to the party..."
"That's what GUNS are for!"
by Manave Eru Sulanul January 21, 2007
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