13 definitions by Malazoth

1. A creature with the head and feathers of an owl, antlers like a deer, and the body of a bear which is capable of walking upright and is classified as a humanoid in the MMORPG, "World of Warcraft."

2. Any druid in "World of Warcraft" that is capable of transforming into a Moonkin for the purpose of casting offensive spells. In raids such druids are often grouped with mages, priests, and warlocks to give them an additional 5% spell critical strike rating.
We had a priest healing with a mage and a moonkin competing for most damage done.
by Malazoth October 20, 2007
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A designation for a gay or lesbian partner, often found in the obituaries of newspapers in the deep South. "Partner" is too much like "spouse" and so newspapers in the south print obits often using this term.
Survivors include his mother, Wanda Jenkins, his sister, Dianne Masters, and his Special Friend James McElroot.
by Malazoth November 29, 2013
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noun - A Republican or other conservative who takes a smug, holier-than-thou attitude towards people who don't believe that the earth is flat, Jesus only loves rich white people, or otherwise disagrees with their idiotic view point.

Resmuglicans are also adept at recycling valid arguments used by Democrats but in such a way that these arguments are invalid. When faced with simple facts and the truth they are dismissive.
Cathy: "We should impeach Obama now for the unnecessary war in Afghanistan!"

Kieth: "No, Cathy, the war in Afghanistan is essential. You're just saying that because Bush needed to be impeached for the war in Iraq which was predicated on the lie of WMDs. You're such a god damned Resmuglican sometimes."

Cathy: "Whatever. You don't know what you're talking about."

Kieth: "Look! It's a well spoken black man advocating free college education, health care, and civil rights?"

Cathy (grabbing her gun with a look of panic on her stupid face): "WHERE?!?!?!"
by Malazoth August 18, 2009
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A derogatory term for any player in the MMORPG "World of Warcraft" who plays a hunter as their main character and so has developed bad habits and inferior skills for working in groups. Huntards often fail to watch their threat and use their "feign death" ability at the wrong moment, causing party wipes.
Everything was going well until the stupid huntard pulled aggro off of one of the elites, brought it back towards the casters, feigned death, then failed to get his mob off the priest. Last time I ever group with that d-bag again!
by Malazoth October 20, 2007
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Sociology is a pseudo-intellectual discipline similar to economics but without all of the mathematical rigor the latter discipline pretends it possesses.
Sociology 101 is awesome! We talk about how we feel about statistics rather than do any number crunching! I know what I want to major in, now!
by Malazoth December 2, 2013
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A hybrid life form. One part Snuggy, one part shuggoth, Snuggeths come in five sizes: small, regular, large, extra-large, and Cthonic.
Hal didn't show me how to summon one but he did give me a regular size snuggeth.
by Malazoth November 6, 2010
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