28 definitions by MainFrame

a homeless person rousted from his or her (presumabley illegal) sleeping place by the police
"Man, if i sleep in my car, i hope i don't GET ROLLED."
by MainFrame November 1, 2003
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1. adj. Something which is very good.
2. vt. to inject a drug intravenously
1. "Dude, this Lobster Bisque is SLAMMIN"
2. "SLAMMIN dope is not what it used to be."
by MainFrame November 1, 2003
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Slang usage of the name Gotenks who is now know by MeTa on Worms World Party and Armegeddon.
/me pushes GoatTenTanks out a window and laughs as he falls ontop of the Cortho3
by MainFrame March 23, 2003
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the most intense part of an LSD trip, usually lasting for about an hour, in which "ordinary reality" becomes interwoven with the private pschedelic perceptions of the tripper.
"If you think this is weird now, wait 'til we start PEAKING!"

Note: applies only during the use of LSD; not psilocybin, MDMA, or other hallucinogens
by MainFrame November 1, 2003
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"Dude, when the Bulls say 'chow', move fast and quiet!"
by MainFrame November 1, 2003
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connected to the internet, either via analog modem, or other means.
by MainFrame November 1, 2003
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