10 definitions by Magmeezie

Capcom's (see definition elsewhere on site) eternal nemesis.
"SNK continues to create quality two-dimensional video games, whilst Capcom....well.....just creates."
by Magmeezie August 29, 2003
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Quite possibly one of the most important figureheads in Rock 'N Roll history.

Considered by many to be the founding father (along with his now-defunct group, "The Velvet Underground") of Punk Rock and its subsequent sub-genres.

Smokes incessantly. Borderline obsessive genius.

Lenny Ignoramus states: "Lou Reed's music has gone from poignant, to self-indulgent, to inherently tranquil, to just plain old."
by Magmeezie August 27, 2003
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A San Francisco Bay-Area based rapper.

Very innovative for his time (1991-Present), although he has been releasing several lackluster albums as of late.
"E-40 is the purveyor of 'savage ebonics'."
by Magmeezie August 29, 2003
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A pet name created by those who are entirely devoid of describing their true feelings for their significant other.

In other words? A "loving" term thought up by lazy, inconsiderate imbeciles.
"Oh, like, I SOOOOOO love you, Boo!"
by Magmeezie August 29, 2003
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1. Japanese in origin, it simply means "Dragon."

2. An emotionally detached, wandering closet neurotic who also happens to be the focal point of Capcom's immensely popular "Street Fighter" series. Since the mid-1980s, this enigmatic drifter has searched the globe far-and-wide looking for the true meaning of "the fight."

His one and only friend is the arrogant and haughty bi-ethnic rich boy Ken Masters, who somehow, with all of the monetarial wealth he posesses, cannot purchase a pair of tweezers and tweeze his overtly bushy eyebrows.

Did I mention that he (Ryu) may also be psychologically disturbed?

Kyle: I think that Ryu should be the poster-boy for all vagrants out there.

Lou: What the hell's a 'vagrant'?
by Magmeezie August 27, 2003
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1. Awesome; something truly awe-inspiring.

2. Something so cool, it leaves one without the ability to explain its greatness.
Linda: Did you see dudes rims? They were potent!

Sheranda: Yeah. I bet he's got major mail!
by Magmeezie August 27, 2003
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1. Terrible.

2. Below sub-par.

3. Unimaginably mediocre.

4. A imaginative form of "huck."
"I've just listened to the new John Cale record, and I must say, it's rather huxtable."
by Magmeezie August 27, 2003
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